Natural and Humanely Ways to Keep Squirrels at Bay


If you’re like most people, you probably love watching squirrels play in the trees. They are cute and entertaining to watch. However, if you have a garden or yard full of plants, flowers, and vegetables, then you may not appreciate the damage that squirrels can do. These little creatures can quickly destroy your hard work with their incessant chewing. That’s why keeping them away from your property using a squirrel repellent is a good idea. Ive even recommended these repellers to my family once, and they love them. But what else can you do to get rid of them? Here we’ll show you some natural and humane ways to keep squirrels at bay.

Set Up in a Motion-Activated Sprinklerrodent

One of the best ways to keep squirrels at bay is to set up a motion-activated sprinkler in your yard. These devices are designed to startle animals with a quick burst of water when they enter the sensor’s range. This will not only deter them from entering your property but also provide you with much-needed relief from the heat. Just make sure the sprinkler is always turned off when you or your family members are outside. No one wants to be surprised by a sudden blast of water.

Consider Using an Ultrasonic Squirrel Repellent

Not only are ultrasonic squirrel repellents effective, but they are also safe for humans and animals. These devices emit a high-pitched noise that is only audible to squirrels. The sound is so unpleasant that it will prevent them from entering your property. You can find these repellers online or at your local hardware store. With a little bit of trial and error, you should be able to find the perfect spot to keep squirrels away.

Grow Plants That Squirrels Hate

Did you know that flowers like marigolds and daffodils are known to repel squirrels? These plants release a chemical that is unpleasant to these little creatures. Consider planting some of these flowers around the perimeter if you have a garden. You can also try growing herbs like mint, basil, and rosemary. Not only will they keep squirrels away, but you’ll also be able to enjoy their fresh scent.

Eliminate Their Entry Options to the House

Sometimes, the best way to keep squirrels away is to make it difficult for them to enter your home in the first place. Start by trimming any branches that are close to your roof. You should also inspect your chimney and ensure a screen over the opening. If you have any cracks or holes in your foundation, seal them up. By making it more difficult for squirrels to enter your home, you’ll also deter other pests like mice and snakes.

As you can see, there are several ways to keep squirrels away from your property. By using a combination of these methods, you should be able to enjoy your yard without having to worry about these little creatures. Do you have any tips for keeping squirrels away? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Thanks for reading.…